
In June 2023, Bread Science was in this list of “Best Bread Making Books of All Time”:

In March 2021, Christina Wott reviewed The Forest Bride at online lit magazine Metastellar: . I was also in the “Noted” section of Chapel Hill Magazine‘s March issue: (page 20).

In early 2021, Bread Science got a mention on Maggie Green’s Cookbook Love Podcast with Baker Bettie. Maggie’s company helps people write cookbooks, and she interviews cookbook authors, collectors, and industry people. You can check out the episode here:

In February 2020, Scruffy and I were the “featured family” in the local Heart of Hillsborough magazine. The magazine is not available online, but you can see the article here (PDF).

In spring 2019, I met Maureen Ryan Griffin at the folk school. She reviewed Somewhere and Nowhere in her WordPlay e-zine in September, relating the lessons I learned on my trip to her own writing process. The e-zine is here:

In February 2019, Michael Hilburn interviewed me for the Sourdough Podcast. We talked about sourdough science and myths, among other things. The episode is here:

Conor O’Donovan interviewed me for the Modernist Breadcrumbs podcast, in anticipation of the arrival of Modernist Bread. The series debuted on October 4, 2017, and you can hear it here (I’m not sure which episode(s) I’m in):

Alicia Stemper interviewed me for her Vitamin O blog, which highlights “the robust and wonderful people who make Orange County, North Carolina strong”! Her post is here: (Summer 2017)

Here’s the April, 2016 announcement about the upcoming Modernist Bread, to which I was a contributor.

Paula Friedrich interviewed me for her NPR article, “For A Proper Pretzel Crust, Count On Chemistry And Memories.” It includes her mom’s German pretzel recipe. Also, I did some research before we talked, and I typed it up at Food Chem Blog, here. (August 2014)

Okay, I don’t know if this counts as press or not, but I was a fact-checker for Michael Pollan’s book, Cooked. I heard Mr. Pollan speak in Durham in April 2013, but I didn’t introduce myself. But when I got home, I realized that Bread Science is listed in the sources, and I’m listed in the acknowledgments!

Michael Perakovich and his cohorts at Columbia County Bread and Granola put together a poetic (and somewhat dramatic) video describing what goes on in rising bread: The Bread Is Back. (March 2013, no longer available)

Emily Wasserman interviewed me for her January, 2013 article, “Rising to the occasion: Novice bakers learn to make bread,” in Medill Reports at Northwestern University. (No longer available, but also, I think we had a few misunderstandings that made it into print…)

Tabitha Alterman interviewed me for an article in the November 2012 Mother Earth News“Amp Up Your Breads with Sprouted Grains and Multigrains” and “Homemade Whole-Grain Bread: You Have to Try This Amazing Recipe.”

Todd Oppenheimer interviewed me for his article “Our Daily Bread” published in the August 2012 issue of Whole Living. This article contains a lot of information about modern gluten issues. (No longer available)

Robin Smith’s article “The Secret Life of Yeast Breads” in the January 31, 2011, Raleigh News and Observer and the Charlotte Observer. (No longer available)

A review at the Wild Yeast Blog, along with reader’s comments about their worst science class memories. (No longer available)

Jeremy’s interview with me from February 2007 at I’m afraid I say “Um” a lot.

Floyd’s review of my book at

“Breadmaker is no loafer.” This article by Jennifer Ferris is from the Sunday, September 24, 2006, Chapel Hill Herald. It is used with the permission of The Herald-SunWord document here.  html version here.