Online bread class, next week

Just a quick note, inspired by a last-minute online bread class…

Upcoming classes

photo with bread and banner with class titleThe Folk School just scheduled a second session of my online Bread Making Basics class. It starts April 7, so I wanted to share the news ASAP. (I taught the same class in March.) If you want to hang out on Tuesday evenings and talk about bread, check it out here:

If you’re holding out for an in-person visit to the Folk School, I plan to be there October 10–16, 2021, as well as in April and October, 2022. Links to those classes will be here:

Update on updates

As I prepare the 15th anniversary edition of Bread Science, I’ve gathered new material into an “Updates” page on my website, which is now available, here:

I’m still not sure when the new edition will be ready, but the drafts of the cover are exciting. As a reminder, I’m not significantly changing the text, but I am adding footnotes pointing to the Updates page, where I have new material to share.

In the press!

cover of Chapel Hill Magazine showing five young male entrepreneursI’m always excited when my name is in print.

Bread Science got a mention on Maggie Green’s Cookbook Love Podcast with Baker Bettie at the Green Apron. Maggie’s company helps people write cookbooks, and she interviews cookbook authors, collectors, and industry people. You can check out the episode here:

I was also in Chapel Hill Magazine’s “Noted” section in March, in my persona of women’s fiction writer. You can see it here (flip to page 22):

And Christina Wott reviewed The Forest Bride for Metastellar magazine, here:

I hope your spring is going well. In addition to teaching and updating Bread Science, I’m trying to keep up with my freelance editing work and revising The Village Maid, book 2 of my fantasy romance series (more at And I’m looking forward to being vaccinated someday soon. Stay well and please take care of yourself.