How-to Guides

old car in the grasslands

I wrote each guide after doing the process a few times. I’m not an expert, but I hope my notes might help others. The information may be dated.

A Short Guide to Self-Publishing


Note: The focus of my guide is what I call DIY self-publishing—that is, doing the process with as few intermediaries as possible. This means more work but a larger share of the “royalties” per sale. Even if this route is not for everyone, understanding it can be useful to make informed decisions about which services to use. I wrote this before print on demand was available, so it is very dated!

The Editorial Freelancers Association published a more thorough and rewritten version of my guide in 2017, but has since stopped selling it because it is outdated. If they ever republish it, I will share a link. In the meantime, the 2017 version is here:


Much of the information is also in slides from a talk I give at the local library:


How to Lay Out a Book in InDesign

If you dare.

This version is simpler and better, and describes the steps I follow when laynig out my fiction novels:


This is an older version from my nonfiction days. It contains some additional steps (mainly creating running headers) but it less well written:


How to Self-Publish an eBook

Here are the relatively simple instructions I follow when I publish my fiction novels (updated in 2022):


And here are more thorough, but outdated instructions: