A Short Guide to Self-Publishing

I’ve finished the Short Guide to Self-Publishing that I first drafted ten years ago!

a sample of a sell sheetThe guide covers self-publishing a book without using a company or middleman to manage the process. You might choose to outsource a task to an expert (a copy editor or a cover designer, for example), and you’ll pay a printer to print and bind your books, but no one will be taking a cut of your sales.

Self-publishing this way is a lot of work, so I want interested parties to have an idea of what they’re be getting into, should they pursue it. I hope that the guide will help people who decide to do move forward with self-publishing avoid the mistakes I made.

You can download the guide for free here:

PDF: https://emilybuehler.com/wp-content/uploads/Guide-to-Self-Publishing.pdf
EPUB: https://gum.co/self-pub-EPUB
MOBI: https://gum.co/self-pub-MOBI

You can see all my guides here: https://emilybuehler.com/miscellany/how-to-guides/