Since I first got involved in self-publishing, I’ve wanted to share what I’ve learned with other interested authors. The information has taken various forms over the years. The latest is an outline that spans the entire process and also seeks to clear up some of the confusing areas.
Self-Publishing from 2006 to 2017
I self-published Bread Science in 2006. There were few legitimate services back then, so I had to do much of the work myself. I read some helpful books but none that gave a complete overview, including all the small tasks you might not think about (like registering your copyright or investigating shipping options). I also sorely needed a chronological list.
I took some notes, and after following the process with Somewhere and Nowhere in 2017, I typed it up and published it as A Short Guide to Self-Publishing, here:
Soon after my new book came out, I began to realize I’d made a mistake: by following a decade-old process, I had missed opportunities. There are so many possibilities for self-publishers these days! I decided to learn more about the current state of self-publishing.
My contribution
At first, I thought I had nothing else to contribute. But then I realized I did:
- While there are many services available, authors might want to learn more about what they can do themselves to save money and retain more earnings, and I knew about DIY self-publishing.
- Many areas of self-publishing have become very complex; I could help to clarify them for authors.
- I could still provide an overview of the whole process, which many guides lack.
New publications
I rewrote my original guide, adding new material. The Editorial Freelancers Association published is as en ebook in 2017, available here: (I called it DIY Self-Publishing: An Overview, but apparently Lulu would not allow the word “DIY” in the title.) It should be available in fall 2018 as a print book.
I also prepared slides for a talk at my local library, and incorporated new information I’d learned about distribution, one of the areas I find most complex. The slides were too big to upload as one PDF.
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
I’ll keep updating and posting as new services develop!