snowy tree branches

February News: Event Dates, New Facebook Page, and Writing News

Here’s a quick update on the bread-making classes I’ll be teaching, 2020 plans for writing and publishing, and how my freelance life is going.

Upcoming Events

artisan breads with logo for Asheville Bread FestivalThe Asheville Bread Festival is May 2, 2020. I will be there as an outdoor vendor, so please stop by and say hello if you attend. Tickets for classes are not yet available but you can sign up for updates at

I’ll be teaching two classes at the Folk School this year:

Tentative dates for 2021 are the following:

  • Baking Traditional Bread, April 4–10, 2021
  • The Science of Bread, October 10–16, 2021

Registration should open for April 2021 around mid-year 2020.

Publishing Plans

black cat sprawled on sofa
Gratuitous cat photo 1 (Blackwell)

This month I finally corrected the book description for Bread Science on Amazon, which required that I create a print-on-demand version. This was the only way Amazon would let me control the text (which until now read something like “250 pages, charts, pictures” with no real description).

Plans for later in the year include a new cover and re-doing the ebook to try to reduce its gargantuan file size. I don’t plan to do a new edition, but I want to update a few sections I can better explain now (I will share the updates on my website, for people who already have the book).

Writing Plans

fluffy cat resting on sweater
Gratuitous cat photo 2 (Scruffy)

I’ve been revising book two of my fiction series while querying agents about book one. I’ve thought a lot about where my book fits in to what is currently being published, and concluded that basically it doesn’t fit in. This means I’ll probably end up publishing it myself, but I’m okay with that, and even excited about it.

I won’t write more here as I know fantasy romance novels are not for everyone, but if you’re interested, I have a mailing list for future readers at I don’t email regularly, only when there is news to share.

Freelance Life

palm trees on top, snowy maple branches on the bottom
Florida versus North Carolina in February

I love working from home! I’ve been editing three or four science papers each week, and using the rest of my time for writing or for the writing-related tasks that never got done when I had a day job.

Due to my new situation, I was able to “work-cation” in Florida in January and attend a writer’s conference while still working from my laptop. I’m hoping to do more of this, although it is hard to be away from Scruffy.

One thing I learned at the conference is that if I want to use Facebook as an author, I need to use a business “page” instead of a personal “profile.” I’ve set up the new page here, using my fiction pen name, Jane Buehler:

As always, feel free to comment or send me an email.